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Supporting Initiatives that Lead to Change

As a past board member of Gift from the Heart (GFTH) and current activist for change when it comes to access to care, I have made it my objective to help spread GFTH awareness and inspire dental hygienists to get involved. I have also been privileged to work for a company, that being, "Oral Science", that is a proud to support GFTH. 

When I was asked a few months ago if Oral Science would support GFTH 2020, I quickly received the approval needed to move forward with our involvement. During my conversations with the GFTH executive the need for Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) came up as a priority area.

Over the last 2.5 years I have been part of educating dental professionals on how and when to use SDF, specifically Advantage Arrest. One of the most rewarding experiences I get to have on a daily basis, is hearing how Advantage Arrest has made a positive impact on oral health outcomes for at risk patients in many different types of practices.

This is why I was more than happy to explore the possibility of Oral Science donating SDF to GFTH this year.  I presented the idea to Oral Science and highlighted the importance of contributing in a way that would have the most impact. There are approximately 190 swag boxes that will be sent across Canada and each will include an ampule of SDF, including patient information and a consent document to help with the ease of use. This will give dental hygienists the opportunity to address the needs of patients with dental caries in both primary and permanent teeth. Specifically, to help as an interim solution and prevent more invasive treatment needs down the road. 

It is important to be aware of the specific criteria that needs to be considered prior to SDF application and the details can be found at I would strongly encourage dental hygienists to have a look at the Oral Science website section listed above if you are not familiar with the application of  SDF.

With the 190 ampules of Advantage Arrest being sent out in the boxes this year, I truly believe this is a step in a direction that is going to lead to change. It’s amazing to think on April 4th we have the potential to arrest close to 200 cavities! 

I absolutely love my role with Oral Science because I see firsthand the shift towards minimally invasive techniques with SDF and how providers and patients welcome a pharmacological management approach of dental caries over drilling and removal of tooth structure, in specific cases. I believe in this new era of dentistry our mindset is changing, and I’m thrilled to be part of it!

5 Things you need to know about Advantage Arrest SDF

1. 1 Ampule will treat/arrest up to 5 surfaces of decay 
2. Non-invasive and safe
3. The liquid is a blue colour to help identify placement
4. Can cause a bitter or metallic taste 
5. Due to staining showing a picture of expected outcomes can be much more useful than just explaining what it will look like 

I wish everyone a wonderful day on April 4th! Congratulations to all that are involved this year, opening your hearts and clinics to give back and help those that are struggling to access care is truly amazing. 

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